Monday, April 14, 2014

So, the journey to being Mommy has taken root. We actually found out a while ago, but due to our past experiences waited to tell people. I may have not been truthful with the end of my last blog post, I was indeed pregnant. We were just waiting on getting confirmation because of our past losses.

March 16th, 2014
A lovely older lady from church, who has a sixth sense when it comes to pregnancy, looked at me, went for the belly, and asked how I was doing. We hadn't told anyone at this point.
During lunch with my FIL, it may have slipped that we might be expecting. But looking at my body, I think the only person I was fooling had to have been blind.
March 19th, 2014
After sitting at the walk-in clinic for two hours I got confirmation I indeed was pregnant.
Once I got home, J phoned his parents and I phoned mine. They are all happy for us and are praying for us.
Josh has suggested I change the name of the blog, I don't want to.
Upon J coming home for work, we took S out for Whopper Wednesday, and told him there.
March 20th, 2014
I told my boss, also named J, and some of my co-workers. Each day it's getting harder to hide the baby bump.
March 21st, 2014
I told my Step-Sister today
March 24, 2014
Had the dating ultrasound this afternoon. Our little Parker is happy and healthy (with a heartbeat of 168), and measuring right where we thought it should. I'm due on October 17, 2014.
Also told the rest of our siblings today that we're expecting.

March 25, 2014
Today I got a call to go back into the doctors office. Because of waiting so long, being at 10 weeks 4 days, I needed to get my butt in gear and order the first trimester screen tests. I go for the next ultrasound on April 7th.
April 5, 2014
We told the extended family today. It was a bit of a debate as to when to announce, because of what's going on with Baby Owen. I wish in retrospect that we had sent them a private message.
April 6, 2014
Today we took the pictures for the social media announcement. We decided to use books that we all love, and a board book for the baby. J used "Lord of the Rings", T used "Sparrow on Wheels" (which was written by our dear family friend, Dr. Heidi Janz), S used "Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief", and I used Elizabeth Zimmerman's "Knitter's Almanac".

April 7, 2014
It's first Trimester Screening day. T is going to come with us today. Assuming everything is fine were going to finish announcing tonight.

April 7th continued...
The ultrasound was perfect. I'm not at risk for any of the big things. And our little one was active. I could have my hand full come October.
April 13, 2014
The same woman from church today that said I'm pregnant, now has said I'm having a girl. We shall see.
April 14th, 2014
Had my first trimester physical today. Everything looks good. And I got to hear the baby's heart beat again. And even better, it looks like the hospital I want to deliver at still has room, the Calgary South Health Campus. We've decided today is going to be the day we publish this post.
26 weeks, 4 days to go or so...