Sunday, January 5, 2014

Ah, back to school... aka back to normal

So, school goes back tomorrow. I'm one excited Step-Mom. Well except for the fact we just got an email stating that S didn't do his Social Studies homework that was due prior to the break. But believe it or not, I'm not mad. I'm not even upset. He made a choice, and he needs to live with it. There will be consequences, but it's not worth also stressing myself out over.

A couple of months ago we started a new system of allowance with him. To help him learn responsibility as far as expectations we treat him as an "employee". We don't expect him to do everything around the house, or feel like home is a real job. But his "job" as a twelve year old is his school work. If we find out that he's missed an assignment he has one strike against him. S gets three strikes a week before we "fire" him. The only other thing he gets strikes for is lying to us.

So far it's a 50/50 for how this system is work, but it's worked better then anything else we've tried so far.

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